Kolbert Investments

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  • Robert Kolbert is a dual registered financial advisor in Fresno, CA., and has earned his CFP. He has been in practice for 33 years, the last 9 years at LPL Financial LLC. This site finds the.
  • Kolbert writes that “if every country — including the United States — were to fulfill obligations under Kyoto, concentrations in the atmosphere would still be headed to five hundred parts per million, and beyond.” (166) There is a scary, skeptical tone in Kolbert’s descriptions of all the efforts she notes.

The twentieth century was a terrible time to be born a blue whale. After 1926, when seagoing factory vessels were introduced, the population plummeted, and by the early seventies only a few hundred remained.

Attempts at conservation met with limited success, and it seemed that the whale’s days were numbered. The Japanese and Russians, in particular, continued to aggressively hunt the docile mammals, well aware that such rapacity would result in their extinction. In 1973, a creative economist named Colin W.

The Sixth Extinction PDF Summary by Elizabeth Kolbert is a gripping book which looks at the history of the planet and the catastrophes that lead to the extinction of species, followed by a distressing prediction of the future.

Clark decided to take financial analysis to its logical conclusion. He posed the question of which method—hunting the whales to oblivion and investing the profits in stocks, or fishing the population sustainably—would yield the most money in the long term. The answer: hunt the whales to extinction and invest all the proceeds in the market.Though it might at first appear that the authors of a new financial report with the sobering title “Investing in a Time of Climate Change” are analogous to the Japanese and Russians in this story, they are, in fact, equivalent to Colin W. Clark, holding up a quantitative mirror to a fundamentally existential problem. Written for the world’s “superfiduciaries”—sovereign wealth and pension funds, foundations, and endowments—the report, published by the international consulting firm Mercer, is predictably dispassionate. Future temperature scenarios are discussed in the abstract and Latinate language of a medical diagnosis (“climate change poses portfolio risks”), and summary investment recommendations are made in what the psychoanalytic theorist Felix Guattari once described as the “sedative discourse” of our contemporary era. (“Only developed market global equity has a minimum negative impact, regardless of the scenario,” the preparers advise.) In other words, the document, like most other financial accounts of its kind, would be incredibly boring to read if it weren’t for the fact it is describing the apocalypse.The report is not the first to try to quantify the investment impacts of various climate-change scenarios—reports from Deutsche Bank, the Risky Business Project, the Stern Review, and many others are floating around—but it is, to date, the most comprehensive from an asset-allocation perspective.

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Breaking climate-risk management out into four major factors (denoted by the acronym TRIP, which stands for technology, resource availability, impact, and policy), the authors recommend that long-term investors “consider hedging and weighting changes” and “focus on risks and opportunities across and within asset classes.” “They really view it as risk mitigation,” Chris Davis, the senior program director at the sustainability consultancy Ceres, told me. “If climate trashes the economy, they’re not going to be able to meet their pension-fund obligations.”The sheer volume of global institutional holdings can be hard to fully comprehend. According to a 2014 report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a body that works with thirty-four of the world’s economies to promote shared goals, their primary institutional investors held $92.6 trillion in assets in 2013. To put this number in perspective, the combined G.D.P. Of the O.E.C.D.’s member countries that year was $47.3 trillion.

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(The market capitalization of ExxonMobil, Enemy No. 1 in the fight against accelerating climate change, is only roughly $344 billion.) When most people think of the global financial system, they think of the investment banks, the hedge funds, and the distressed-asset investment firms. These are the frenetic first-movers in the market, the players who most profit from uncertainty and panic. Pension funds prefer much longer time horizons. They eschew long-term uncertainty, and in this they are the most obvious financial allies of those who are working to curb climate change. “Their scale and power is unprecedented in the history of capitalism,” John Fullerton, the founder of the nonpartisan think tank Capital Institute, told me.

“But the potential of that is not being realized, because they’ve been largely put into a passive asset-allocation position.”A perhaps counterintuitive finding of the analysis is that a two-degree Celsius rise over preindustrial times need not, according to the authors, “have negative return implications for long-term diversified investors at a total portfolio level.” This is not to say that assets wouldn’t need to be reallocated. Under such a scenario, the analysts expect gains in “infrastructure, emerging market equity, and low-carbon industry sectors,” which is another way of saying that limiting climate change to a two-degree Celsius rise would require such enormous investments in clean energy—Ceres has called for an annual investment of a “clean trillion”—that it would be hard not to profit as an intelligent first-mover in this market. Losers like coal, the returns of which, according to the report, “could fall by anywhere between 18% and 74% over the next 35 years,” should be jettisoned to make room for new investments in renewables, which “could see average annual returns increase by between 6% and 54%” in the same period. Even if the world ends up exceeding the two-degree limit (a result that appears increasingly likely: according to the World Bank, we are already locked into a one-and-a-half-degree increase), the report’s authors expect, at some point, a wholesale run for the low-carbon doors, what Anthony Hobley, the C.E.O.

Of the nonprofit climate-and-finance think tank Carbon Tracker, described in an interview as an inevitable “come-to-Jesus moment.”In a time of accelerating climate change, an increasingly volatile reality will eventually come up against the limits of modern portfolio theory. The definition of fiduciary duty is therefore starting to expand, to include not only traditional and largely passive investment policy but also active stewardship of global average temperature. This is an extraordinary paradigm shift in institutional investing.

On September 24, 2018, during the 73rd UN General Assembly, Tolu will join the United Nations Secretary-General, the President of the UN General Assembly, Heads of State, CEOs of global companies, foundations, and NGOs, and youth leaders for the launch of and partnership.Youth2030 provides the unifying framework for a UN-System wide reset and reorientation of youth-focused campaigns and activities. It stresses the need to engage young people so they can more meaningfully contribute to the work of the United Nations, and to ensure the UN can benefit from their views, insights and ideas. As the first new action of Youth2030, Generation Unlimited will tackle the global education and training crisis currently holding back millions of young people and threatening progress and stability.

Passionate and Vocal Supporters of the Anti-Slavery Movement Turned their Outrage into Action and Marched in the Streets of L.A.In November 2017, CNN reported that African migrants were sold off as slaves in Libya for the equivalent of approximately $400. To raise awareness about migrants being abused and exploited in Libya and other countries around the world, USA for IOM, the non-profit partner of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), joined the “March Against Slavery in Libya and Beyond” in Los Angeles, California.Tolu sits on the Board of Directors of USA for IOM and represented the organization at the L.A. rally. 'These rallies are a testament to the global support for eradicating this worst kind of evil and restoring hope to its victims.' - Tolu Olubunmi,Watch Tolu's powerful speech and join the movement to end modern slavery worldwide. The ADL In Concert Against Hate honors unsung heroes who have stood up against intolerance, extremism, and injustice.

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The Concert is performed by the National Symphony Orchestra and attended by more than 2,000 people from Washington, DC and across the nation, including elected leaders and government officials, university presidents and school superintendents, teachers and students, civil rights, religious, civic and community leaders, law enforcement and prosecutors. Previous honorees include Congressman John Lewis, Ruby Bridges, Daniel Pearl, and Judy and Dennis Shepard. 'The ADL said to me - 'in honoring you, we wish to recognize your bravery and strength, and express our deep support of your mission to advocate for migrants, immigrants, and refugeesYour story is a testimony to the resilience within us all, and will give courage and hope to others who confront inhumanity and injustice.'

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Words fail me to express my deep gratitude for this honor, particularly at this moment in our history. As a woman, a person of color, an immigrant, and a DREAMer, I am humbled to have my work and the worth of the many 'minority' groups I belong to be acknowledged and celebrated by the Anti-Defamation League.' - Tolu Olubunmi.


The hard work of turning our call to action into action begins. I'm honored to join and for the - inaugurating the new movement for equality, justice, freedom, and a government that works.' For millions of Americans, election night 2016 was a call to action. An extraordinary groundswell of political energy. On social media, on university campuses, in company break rooms and at community events, people gathered, shared ideas, and worked together to figure out how best to protect our most important rights and freedoms. Lawyers for Good Government Inc. And RISE When We Fall, two organizations at the forefront of this emerging movement, are now joining forces to host 'Rise Above,' a conference designed to coordinate and convert this unprecedented political energy into meaningful results.'

January 21 - 22, 2017 at the Lincoln Theatre & the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. Check out the Fall 2016 issue of Lifestyles Magazine, where Tolu is included on their list of The Most Powerful Women In Philanthropy. The inaugural Women in Philanthropy issue spotlights women who have “dedicated their time and resources to ensure a better tomorrow. Acting as catalysts, their missions have changed the lives of countless people around the world, and their actions demonstrate how creating positive opportunities leads to societal change.”Tolu is honored and humbled to be named alongside philanthropy powerhouse Oprah, Indra Nooyi, Pricilla Chan, Susan Buffett, Beyonce, and many other incredible women.