Install Deb File Arch Linux

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  1. Install Deb File Arch Linux
  2. Arch Linux Rpm Or Deb
  3. Arch Linux Rpm

From a host running Arch Linux. Install the arch-install-scripts package. Follow Installation guide#Mount the file systems to mount the filesystem and all the needed mount points. If you already use the /mnt directory for something else, just create another directory such as /mnt/install, and use that instead as the mount point base. To install deb files, open Terminal and type: sudo dpkg -i file.deb sudo apt-get install -f sudo dpkg -i file.deb The second line is to fix broken packages if the installation fails, then, install again to complete the installation. Another approach is to use gdebi tool to install deb files.

– Arch Linux (also known as ArchLinux or Arch) is a Linux distribution for i686 and x8664 computers that are designed to be light and simple. The way to pronounce Arch Linux is ɑːrtʃ or aːtʃ (as in archer or parchment). This distro developer design approach focuses on simplicity, program truth, and minimalism.

“Simplicity” is defined as “no need for additions, modifications, or complications” according to the developer’s perspective, not the user’s point of view.Archlinux is a binary-based Linux distribution, which means that application packages are distributed in compiled form. It’s different from Gentoo which distributes packages in the form of source code.How to Install Arch Linux 2019.03.01.

Immediately, download the latest version of Arch Linux. Download Arch Linux. Make a bootable USB or DVD then boot your PC through the Arch Linux installation media. So the following window will appear. Because I will install for 64bit architecture. So I chose Arch Arch Linux (x8664).

After your system has finished booting, you will automatically enter root by default. Because the Arch Linux installation process requires an internet connection (to download the core system arch), then first make sure that your PC is If you use a wifi network, then read the article how to connect wifi via the terminal. The computer is connected to the internet. Now we will create a partition to use as a Linux base arch. Because in this example the disk is empty, then we also make a swap partition, and also one partition for data.

Make a partition. Check table partition:fdisk -l. There is a disk / dev / sda: 40GB there. And there is no table partition displayed.

Then it means that the hard drive in this example is blank (without partition), and its size is 40GB. I will make 3 partitions: 18GB for the system, 4GB for swap, and the rest for data. I use cfdisk.cfdisk. Select dos label.

Partitions for the system. Select new.

Then press enter. Type the volume of the partition to be created. In this case, I will make 18 Gigabytes. So I wrote 18G.


Then press enter. After that, select primary for the partition type. Select bootable on / dev / sda1.

Partitions for swaps. Next we will create a new partition to swap. Select the new menu in free space. Then fill in the swap size you want. Try to make the swap partition volume larger than the size of your physical RAM.

Arch linux rpm or deb

Select primary. Then, after the partition is created. Select menu type - Linux swap / Solaris. The swap partition has been successfully created. Make additional partitions for personal data (optional). Because I still have the remaining free space of 20G.

So I will use it as a new partition to store personal files. The way is still the same as before, in the empty area (free space), select the new menu. Then fill in the volume according to your wishes. Here I use the whole, which is 20G. This time select extended. The third partition has been made, but this partition remains empty. So on sub partition 3, then we will make our real partition.

Choose new in free space. Then fill in the size as needed. Then, when everything is done. Now we apply the results of the hard disk mapping above to the actual physical.

Select the write menu. Type yes. Now the partition table has been written (written) on the actual physical hard drive. Format the partition to ext4.

The next step, we will format the partitions that we have created earlier into ext4 format. First, make sure the partition table is correct.fdisk -l. Here the output is in accordance with the partition we have made. Format the / dev / sda1 partition into ext 4 format with the following command:mkfs.ext4 / dev / sda1Format the / dev / sda5 partition into ext 4 format.mkfs.ext4 / dev / sda5.

Creating and Activating swap. Then we will format / dev / sda2 as a swap. Then activate it. mkswap / dev / sda2.

Then activate with the command:swapon / dev / sda2 Install Arch Linux. Now it’s time to install Arch Linux on the / dev / sda1 partition. Load the / dev / sda1 partition to the / mnt directory:mount / dev / sda1 / min.

Add Indonesian Repository Server Optional. Using an Indonesian mirror repository server can make the package download process relatively faster.

The methods are as follows:Edit /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist. Add at least 2 of these servers (complete please see SERVER = SERVER = Save the new mirrorlist file. Install Basic Arch Linux Packages. The next step is to install the basic packages needed by Arch Linux. You can do this with the following command:pacstrap / min base-devel base. Type Y then enter.


After that, the system will download the required packages, and this will be quite time-consuming. Of course, it’s not longer depending on the speed of your internet connection.

After installing the basic Arch Linux system, now we will create the fstab file (so that the system knows which partitions must be mounted when booting, which ones are root partition, which ones are swaps, etc.).genfstab / mnt / mnt / etc / fstab. Verify the results of fstab generated, whether it is in accordance with your / mnt / etc / fstab. Following is an example of my results. Arch Linux basic settings.

We will do basic settings on the linux arch that we just installed. We must first enter the system we just installed, type the following command:arch-chroot / min.

now we have entered the system we just installed as root. The next step we will configure the system language. To do this, immediately do the following command:nano /etc/locale.gen. Then uncomment the line idID.UTF-8 UTF-8 for Indonesian.

But if we are more comfortable using English, we can choose it by uncommenting the line UT-8 ENUS.UTF-8. For convenience, we can search by pressing ctrl + w. Then press enter after writing the keyword we are looking for. After it finishes. Save the file that we have edited by pressing ctrl + x, then type Y, and enter.

Install Deb File Arch Linux

Then run the following command:locale-gen. Create or edit the /etc/locale.conf file with the following command:nano /etc/locale.conf.

Then fill in as shown. After that save the file in the manner as above.

After setting the language, now, we need to set the system timezone. To find out what timezone lists are available, we can execute the command:ls / usr / share / zoneinfoEnter / usr / share / zoneinfo / Asia.

It looks like Jakarta, so we will set the time for the system to follow the time of Jakarta (+7) aka WIB. You can set the system time based on where you live.

After we know the location, now we make the timezone link to / etc / localtime. By order:ln -sf / usr / share / zoneinfo / Asia / Jakarta / etc / localtime. Activate the clock to follow the system time we just set.hwclock – systohc –utc. After setting the language, as well as time zone settings. Now we set the password for our root. So that not just anyone can access this important right.passwd.

Fill in the password and don’t let anyone know it. Network settings. Continue to network settings. Name our computer by running the command:nano / etc / hostname. Fill in what you want, then save. Enable the dhcpcd service so that our system can be directly connected to the network (via LAN) during startupInstall dialog and wpasupplicant.

Arch Linux Rpm Or Deb

This is needed if later we want to connect to the Wifi network Pacman -S dialog wpasupplicant. Install GRUB. This is important. Our current system is already installed, but there is no GRUB yet. Alias, if we reboot, the PC machine will not detect where the operating system that we just installed, so do not know what to do.

It’s the same as nothing has been installed. Therefore, we must install GRUB.pacman -S grub os-probergrub-install / dev / sdagrub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg. Restart the machine. After the GRUB install process is successful, we can restart the system. Run the ‘reboot’ command, and the system will reboot immediately. Login screen from arch linux!

Enter your username with ‘root’, and fill in the password with the password that you have set. You have successfully installed Arch Linux.

But here the system still doesn’t really work. You still need to create a new user (we certainly won’t use root for everyday needs, right?). Then install sudo, and also install Desktop Environment, sound drivers, and so on.

Arch Linux Rpm

. usr. usr - bin. usr - bin - qr-code-creator. usr - share.

usr - share - applications. usr - share - applications - qr-code-creator.desktop. usr - share - doc.

usr - share - doc - qr-code-creator. usr - share - doc - qr-code-creator - changelog.gz. usr - share - doc - qr-code-creator - copyright.

usr - share - man. usr - share - man - man1. usr - share - man - man1 - qr-code-creator.1.gz.

usr - share - pixmaps. usr - share - pixmaps - qr-code-creator.png. usr - share - qr-code-creator.